Online First

Online first articles have been peer-reviewed and accepted, which are not yet assigned to volumes/issues, but are citable by Digital Object Identifier (DOI).
Phaseless Diagnosis and Pattern Correction of Faulty Antenna Arrays via Advanced Bayesian Compressive Sensing Approaches
Zi An Wang, Ping Li
DOI: 10.23919/emsci.2024.0038
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Broadband Millimeter-wave Frequency Mixer Based on Thin-film Lithium Niobate Photonics
Xiangzhi Xie, Hanke Feng, Yuansheng Tao, Yiwen Zhang, Yikun Chen, Ke Zhang, Zhaoxi Chen, Cheng Wang
DOI: 10.23919/emsci.2024.0046
Abstract FullText HTML PDF
Leaky Horns: A New Paradigm of Developing Electromagnetic Horns Based on Leaky-Wave Structures
Dongze Zheng, Ke Wu, Wei Hong
DOI: 10.23919/emsci.2024.0036
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Applications of Quantum Dash Mode-Locked Laser in Microwave Photonics
Yuxuan Xie, Mostafa Khalil, Hao Sun, Jiaren Liu, Zhenguo Lu, Philip J. Poole, John Weber, Guocheng Liu, Mohamed Rahim, Lawrence R. Chen
DOI: 10.23919/emsci.2024.0027
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